Another one of my favorite living artists, is Master Illustrator, Barry Moser. I first discovered his work thru my love of the book Moby Dick.
A lot of his engraving work is published thru Pennyroyal Press and here is the link to his gallery of work there. http://www.moser-pennyroyal.com/moser-pennyroyal/Galleries.html Please take a few moments to be stunned, amazed and awed.
What is your amazing adventure with block printing, engraving or lino carving?
I've been revisiting Mr. Moser's work as I am embarking on a year long project that involves creating one 5x5" detailed block print per month, and
Oh... I also love Barry's work. I can remember stumbling into a galley in the Upper West Side of Manhattan in the early 1980s to see a show of his work. At the door were small take away prints of a nude male little person with long hair and a beard on beautiful deckle-edged paper. I grabbed one naturally. I must find it TODAY!