I have blogged before about how much I love Daniel Smith Art Materials (www.danielsmith.com) and periodically they have customer art contests and I have entered them a very few times over the years. This year they had a holiday card contest at the same time I was making my holiday cards by hand and I sent them a copy and entered.
Well, today I received a wonderful comment on my blog from them, that I was a runner-up winner. (here is their official announcement/blog post) http://danielsmithblog.com/2009/12/08/daniel-smith-handmade-holiday-card-contest-winners/
Its amazing what a small "nod" can do to put the wind back in your sails.
My wish for everyone this year, no matter what your specialty is, I hope that you get all kinds of unexpected and sincere "nods" too.
The biggest place I look for validation is from my mother. That's the little girl in me that will never grow up.-Naomi Watts
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