Here is "And...?" in progress. The day of hanging my show arrived, and while I thought I had allowed adequate time for everything, I was off by a factor of about 4 when the day ended and what I had completed was hung.
Here are some lessons I took away from my first gallery hanging experience:
~Start planning for your show months ahead of time not weeks
~Set the "drop dead" date for the body of work to be complete at least one week ahead of the hanging date.
~remember to bring a ladder, and all the other tools you would need to hang your work, including invisible hanging wire (doh!)
~Send a thank you to your gallery host (thanks Alyson Stanfield for this reminder)
~Have your next projects after the show lined up
~Don't stop your NEW marketing efforts just because you have a show (this will help the post show blues)
I'm moving this week, and intend to rap this work up and also finish the Buck (black standard Poodle) portrait commission. By the end of the month.
I will leave you with this question... What color is a shadow?
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.~Anatole France
I love this one, it has soooo much personality! I feel like this now!