Soap box of the day: Keep your goals in sight, and keep making baby steps towards them. Surround yourself as much as possible with what you aspire to. And if you are forced by circumstance into a situation that isn't to your liking, turn it to an advantage.
I have been moving the last week, and thank you to my guy for hiring two eager and younger moving guys to schlep my stuff from the second story of the house, and then up 3 flights of stairs into the new digs.
The upside to the move is that I'm now living in an art community. Each year I set my goals and being a professional artist is at the top 0f the list consistently, thus this is another step in that direction.
This is a community that was built specifically to house and support serious artists, and the talent in the building is phenomenal and world class.
The down side is that I miss my other 3 cats (they stayed with my guy in the house) and I miss seeing the big guy day and night and those cheesy butterflies each night on the way home knowing I'm going to see him.
Now, to find all my art supplies in the boxes, my easel and get back to eet.
(to see the gallery of my work on flickr go here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/patricedeavila/ and thanks for stopping by)
“Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.” | |
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